February 3, 2010

Speaking of ruining daughters . . .

I haven't bothered to comment to date on the train wreck that calls itself John Edwards. But seeing as how I'm on a soapbox tonight about the ways in which girls and young women in our culture are getting stuck in the crud, I might as well go on and add little Frances Quinn Hunter to the list.

Little "Quinn" as she's called, is the illegitimate child of Train Wreck and his campaign videographer Rielle Hunter. For more than a year, he's denied being the baby's father. Actually, early on, he denied the affair with Hunter all together.

In my opinion, the only thing worse than having a father who's a crap-filled silver-tongued politician is having a father who's all that AND a denier of his relationship and obligation to you.

Now that the baby's paternity is out in the open, no doubt we'll see Wreck slowly ease back into the spotlight as a caring and sincere father to little Quinn.

Trouble is, we'll always wonder whether he's doing it because he wants to or because it's what's expected of him.

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