December 15, 2008

Say NO to Chinese toys this Christmas

China. It's a beautiful country with a rich culture and a surplus of abandoned baby girls. It's a study in Communism with a capitalist flair as countless US manufacturers who've moved their operations there can attest.

It's also a thorn in my side when it comes to toys for my children for Christmas.

It IS possible to buy American for your kids. All you need is the internet and some patience to find nearly every classic toy ever made STILL being made right here in the U.S. without all the lead, melamine, metal shavings and other trash found in so many Chinese-made products.

Puzzles, board games, train sets, cars, castles, dolls, books, blocks, art supplies, musical instruments, the list goes on and on.

My challenge this year is to find a dollhouse made in America. Nothing I've found so far is as colorful as the Chinese-made ones, but the prices are comparable and, like I say, I am reassured to know that whichever model I pick likely won't end up killing my kids.

I've already ordered some cool stuff from Fat Brain Toys and from Holgate Toy Company. Holgate boasts an impressive array of beautifully colored and crafted toys for all ages/both genders. Fat Brain has more than 300 offerings. Some of them are puzzle books and art supplies, yes, but many others are more involved like botany kits, building sets of all types, board games, and baby rattles.

Another company that I've bought from in the past is Elves and Angels, makers of the greatest play kitchen sets of all types you can imagine. Our kitchen is on its fourth child and with the exception of some scobs and scratches, it remains a favorite toy and virtually indestructible. Elves and Angels also offers money saving and environmentally friendly "flat" packaging for many of its toys with simple assembly.

I also came across several Made In USA toy directories listing many companies that specialize in safe, affordable toys. Far too many websites for me to search!

If you want the latest electronics, trendy Disney character, or Hannah Montana emblazoned stuff for your child, you'll be out of luck in the world of Buy American.

But if you're looking for durable, classic, heirloom-quality, open-ended playthings be sure to check out the American toy companies before giving your dollars over to Walmart. Not only will you be keeping Americans employed at a time when so many are not, you'll be keeping your children a whole lot safer.

Don't believe me? Just google "toys recalled" and see for yourself how many of them are imports.

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