December 23, 2008

My policy on profanity

In general, it's not a good idea. In specific circumstances, a well-placed profane word packs a punch like no other. I save my strong language for people who purposely harm children, animals or senior citizens. I have, on occasion, hurled an epithet in the direction of politicians whose abject disregard for their constituency left me blind with rage.

But like I say, in general it's not helpful, necessary, or polite -- three things my sainted mother has always taught me to strive to be. (Sorry, Mom, still working on these, KWIM?)

As for swearing in the presence of children, mine or anyone else's? No way, no how. I don't even let my children read books or listen to music that even remotely suggests blue language. I figure I have them only for a few short years, relatively speaking. They have their whole lives to go up against a world so chock full of vulgarity of all kinds that swearing will be the least of the vices to consider.

Hope this clears up any confusion as to why I'd call a man who abuses his child and shares that horror on the internet a "bastard" (really, don't you think that's pretty tame, considering the nature of his choice?) while at the same time being annoyed by folks who sit around cursing in the presence of my children.

I guess you could say I'm a selective swearer.

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