December 16, 2008

Obama on a plate for $19.99

The man hasn't even been sworn in and already the tacky souvenir production has begun. Late night TV hawks a porcelain plate with Obama's likeness right smack in the center surrounded by an American flag and fireworks.

A black couple is shown sitting in their living room gushing about how this item is sure to become a treasured family heirloom for generations to come. A white man who doesn't look like the type who would have voted for a Democrat of any color is shown glancing lovingly at the Obama plate displayed prominently on his desk.


It's one thing to be glad your candidate won. It's another thing to turn it into idol worship. The cult of personality worked well for Mao in China. Let's hope we can avoid larger than life posters of our next president plastered across buildings, bridges, and emblazoned on the backpacks of school children.

I'd gladly pay $20 for that.

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