April 26, 2010

What I saw at my local elementary

My neighborhood held its annual homeowners' association meeting tonight at a nearby elementary school.


As my husband and I walked up to the doors we thought we were supposed to enter -- the main entrance to the school -- I noticed a row of glass cases on the wall nearby. The cases look like they're supposed to be used for announcements, posters, etc.

One of the cases featured a prominent collage of magazine covers. The school is obviously having students sell magazine subscriptions to raise money for whatever the district taxpayers and the state and feds don't already buy. The case next to it featured a huge blow-up of one of the magazines for sale.

It was a recent cover of People Magazine and the nice picture of actress Kate Hudson larger than life wasn't objectionable to me at all. She's pretty and in the photo in question she's completely clothed.

No, what made my jaw drop was the rest of the cover, the part that should have been airbrushed out for a poster being used in a school setting.

Here's what else little kids can get an eyeful of as they enter their school building each morning:

"Jen and John's Hot New Romance" (story about actress Jennifer Aniston and musician John Mayer)

"Miley Cyrus' Photo Fiasco" (story about the ubiquitous and questionably talented Miley Cyrus)

and, finally, my favorite of them all, "Smiley Face Murder Mystery: Is a Serial Killer Gang on the Loose?"

Whatever happened to posters and bulletin board sets like the ones I grew up with in public school, the ones that featured famous people worthy of emulation or cool concepts in science or seasonally themed pictures, poems, and sayings?

Apparently, they've given way to hot romance and serial killer gangs -- and all before kids even get to junior high school.

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