March 11, 2009

New 'blog category: Cultural Erosion

I figure since Al Gore and his band of merry men are closely following global warming and its impact on Earth, I'm going to start my own long-term observation and I'm going to name it "Cultural Erosion."

Things that may fall into this category will include:

1. Attempts by those who don't ascribe to a particular religious faith to piss off those of us who do.

2. Abuses of power and privilege that result in harm to children.

3. Cultural practices that bring down marriages, relationships between parents and children, and degrade the female gender in the guise of entertainment.

4. Public, er, government-run education

5. Books, movies, music and video games the socially redeeming value of which could pretty easily be discerned by anyone with a functioning brain

6. Things that encourage the purposeful inhumane treatment of animals both foreign and domestic

Judging from the current news, this category could very well take over my humble 'blog about life as a homeschooling mother of many.

But if the culture is the problem, shouldn't we be aware of this so as to better equip our kids to be part of the solution?

Maybe I'm not going so far off topic after all.

What do YOU think?

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