March 15, 2009

Because I'm The Principal, That's Why!


The petulant blowing of a raspberry is the ONLY thing missing from a remark by an Oregon elementary school principal when asked by a reporter from The Oregonian newspaper why he decided to prohibit a 5th grade student from wearing a Barack Obama mask for a school talent show skit.

Obama is Dru Lechert-Kelly's hero. Dru, 11, is white. The mask was obtained from a costume shop and resembles one wore on a popular YouTube video and is similar to one President Obama himself wore in an appearance on Saturday Night Live.

The principal did not attend auditions for the talent show, but parents who screened the acts said Lechert-Kelly's mask was potentially offensive and inappropriate but that he could be in the show minus the mask. Lechert-Kelly opted to go roller skating instead, insisting the skit would not have the same appeal without Obama's likeness.

The Oregonian reports:

"He practiced for weeks," said Scott Lechert, 50, an instructional designer, who along with his partner, Paul Kelly, 55, a physical therapist, adopted Dru from a Romanian orphanage in 1999 at age 1 1/2. Both dads helped Dru design his stage props -- a desk with a large presidential seal stuck to the front with duct tape. And both coached their son to "have lots of bop" and "use your shoulders" during his routine.

After Thursday's performance, the "crowd went wild," Dru said. But so did some of the adults in the audience.

"I talked to the parents who are coordinating the talent show, and they feel it's inappropriate and potentially offensive," Llewellyn Principal Steve Powell said.

When asked what was offensive about Dru's skit, Powell refused to discuss it.

"I won't say why it's inappropriate," he said. "I'm not saying anything to The Oregonian. Why? Because I don't want to."

Powell said he hadn't seen Dru's performance but has watched the parody on YouTube.

Seems like little Dru has more maturity than the guy running his school. Maybe instead of pretending to be Obama, he should take over Principal Powell's job. And maybe Principal Powell should go back to the playground to be taught Manners 101.

Nyah, nyah, nyah. Ppphhhtpthpthtpth!

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