June 1, 2008

Warning: Education in Pakistan may be fatal

The Gulf Times, a newspaper in the Middle East country of Quatar, reports that a seven-year-old blind boy has been beaten to death at a madrassa -- a free Islamic school that teaches the Koran.

The boy was hung upside down from a ceiling fan after enduring repeated beatings with a stick because he had not learned the Koran. When his condition began to deteriorate, the teacher refused to take him to a hospital.

The teacher has been arrested and an investigation is underway.

This child was seven years old. He was blind. And he died because he hadn't learned his Koranic lessons?

Ah, the religion of peace. Can't you just feel the love?

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Yes, the religion of peace, indeed. It saddens me how little it seems that the Islamic religion values life.