June 1, 2008

Warning: Education in Indiana only slightly better

This one they got on tape!

Before I begin my rant, can someone tell me what it is about five-year-old boys that makes them such convenient targets for worthless teachers? A slightly earlier post tells about an autistic boy down in Florida voted out of his class by peers, apparently with the teacher's blessing.

Now Indiana is ground zero for yet another psychological assault on a little kid.

ABC News is reporting that a couple in Indiana sent their five-year-old son to school with a tape recorder hidden in his cargo pants after he repeatedly complained about mistreatment in class.

The four hours of tape are disturbing in content.

"I've been more than nice to you all year long and you've been ignorant, selfish, self-absorbed, the whole thing! I'm done!" the teacher says to little Gabriel Woodward. She goes on to tell him that if her words are hurting him, then good. She also calls him "pathetic."

HE'S FIVE!!!! Of course he's self-absorbed. All little children are, aren't they? Doesn't it take most of us many years of living before it dawns on us that we are not the center of the universe?

Little Gabriel was also singled out as the teacher asked his classmates if he was someone they wanted to be around. The other children can be heard on tape saying in unison, "Noooooo."

Naturally, the teacher's union is defending Gabriel's teacher, saying she just had a bad day. Really? The kid complains of meanness all year long and she had an off DAY?

This stinks and I hope Gabriel's parents scare the proverbial pants off that school district with legal action.

What is going on when one child after another is being singled out, scapegoated, isolated, or otherwise publicly maligned by those who are supposed to be nurturing their minds and hearts?

When will parents wake up and realize they are leaving their children for hours on end with people they don't really know but somehow think they should trust?

Like Ronald Reagan said in his dealings with the Soviets: "Trust, but verify."

More parents of publicly schooled children should do just that.

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