August 4, 2010

I'm a Hater -- or so they say

It's hard to face the music, but if I'm to maintain even a shred of intellectual honesty I have to confront the fact that I am a hater.

I'm not sure what to do about this. I mean, I could spend a lot of money to go for counseling. I could apply to some sort of "de-programming" facility where they'd rid me of my inappropriate thoughts and make me acceptable to society again.

Or I could do what a lot of my fellow Americans have done and just take my opinions underground for fear of being hassled, vandalized or killed.

See, I don't believe ILLEGAL immigrants ought to be given help to get a college education in Texas. I think the state of Arizona was right to pass the law it did and I think the federal government is wrong for trying to make them rescind it. I had a guy from some group called Immigration Reform call me up this morning while I was homeschooling my son to ask me to send a letter of support to our Texas senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson. The guy on the phone wanted me, in essence, to urge our senator to support a proposed act called The Dream Act. This act would let students here in the country ILLEGALLY stay for 6 years with temporary resident status and then apply for permanent residency upon completion of ONE of several conditions during that six years: During the first six years, the ILLEGAL immigrant would be granted "conditional" status, and would be required to graduate from a two-year community college or complete at least two years towards a 4-year degree, or serve two years in the U.S. military. After the six year period, an ILLEGAL immigrant who met at least one of these three conditions would be eligible to apply for legal permanent resident status. During this six year conditional period, ILLEGAL immigrants would not be eligible for federal higher education grants but they would be able to apply for student loans and work study.

Uh, that sounds like some sort of reward for being in the U.S. ILLEGALLY, doesn't it? When I told the guy on the phone I didn't support anything that rewarded people for breaking our immigration laws he went off on me. And then he hung up on me!

My Dream Act would include compelling everyone either by deportation or border reinforcement to OBEY THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY JUST LIKE MY LEGAL IMMIGRANT ANCESTORS AND FRIENDS DID. Period.

Yeah, I'm a hater.

And I don't believe that marriage between people of the same sex should really be called marriage. The fact that my religious book says this and that I am of the religion that adheres to that book -- those things alone make me a hater. Now, if I was an atheist then it would all be different because it's okay, even fashionable, to hate Christians.

Adding to my credentials, I also don't think that our president is doing a good job running the country. In fact, I think his decision to rub elbows with the ridiculous airheads on The View television show rather than address in person the crowd at the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America jamboree shows just how arrogant he is. I think his choice of various cabinet members including a tax evader as treasury secretary and a snarky chief of staff as well as his willingness to sit through 20 years worth of Bill Ayers sermons on hating America and white people puts him in the same category as I am right now. Yep, I think in many ways our own president is a hater.

Join the club, sir. We'll make room for you.

I'm a hater because I homeschool my kids. That means I hate public education. (Actually, I mostly detest the NEA because it's made up of Communists and I detest Communisim.)

I'm a hater because I detest Communism.

I'm a hater because I think the U.S. flag should be displayed in all American schools and children should have to recite their loyalty to this country via the Pledge of Allegiance.

I'm a hater because I don't think building a mosque within 50 miles of Ground Zero is either intelligent or tolerant.

I'm a hater because I don't think anything but English should be taught as a first language to immigrant children attending our schools.

I'm a hater because I actually believe Judeo-Christian values and teachings heavily influenced the founding of this nation.

I'm a hater because I'm still appalled our president went around the world his first year in office bowing and kow-towing to every leader with whom he met.

I'm a hater on so many levels I can't decide whether it's getting harder to live with myself or within this f**ked up mess we call Our Society.

Ooohh. And I guess I'm a hater because I used (or implied) a bad word in reference to Our Society -- the one in which child pornography has only now finally made it to the forefront of the Justice Dept's list of concerns, the one in which our federal government actually fights against anyone trying to uphold federal laws, the one in which Wall Street bailouts line the pockets of a few while more than 40 percent of employed Americans work in low-paying service jobs, the one in which the latest television show or video game generates headlines while our soldiers overseas risk and lose their lives with little more than a mention, the one in which the ACLU can bully for the removal of the Ten Commandments but stays silent at the proliferation of slutty billboards and deviancy training for kids as young as 5.

Yeah, that society.

And I'm a hater because I don't want to live in or raise my children in Our Society. I'm a hater because if I could I'd create a parallel universe in which morals weren't relative, children were safe, animals weren't abused, laws were obeyed, adults behaved with at least a modicum of decency in public, and the government actually protected the people instead of exposing them to crap in the name of "tolerance," "dignity," "diversity" or whatever euphemism for stupidity they concocted.

Wow. That felt good to say.

No doubt this 'blog will eventually be targeted for removal because, as has already happened with another well-known 'blog hosting service, anything perceived as hateful must be removed.

Read it while you can.

And don't feel bad if you need to call me a hater. Hey, sometimes the truth hurts but I'd rather hear the truth and take the pain than live a lie and say it's all good.


Sarah said...

It IS hard to live in society today, given the poor morals and soft minded, apathetic people that make up a portion of our country. It's hard to accept that, but the best I can do as a parent is to teach my children what is right/wrong, how to be productive and opinionated and hope that their future isn't as bleak as I (sometimes) think it might be, given the current state of things. I am glad that you have a forum to express your opinions, and boldly so.

nisha said...

Me too . . and I suppose I will be banned also!

nisha said...

I only make it through the day by NOT watching the news on a routine basis. I figure when Jesus returns I won't need the Clinton News Network to get in on that one!

McMindes Family said...

Bravo! I'm right there with you all the way! I have another list of things that I hate as well! FDA, CDC, etc. Wish I could word it all as well as you! Well said and written! Long live your blog and you!

maewest said...

Thanks, May. Sometimes I wonder how many years I'll get, given the fact that I have little interest in keeping my mouth shut to preserve political correctness. Patrick Henry, a decidedly politically incorrect patriot, said he'd take liberty or death with no equivocation. I guess I'm in his camp, like it or not. The great thing about democracy is that if you don't like someone else's opinion you can ignore it or counter it with one of your own. My question anymore is just how long we'll be able to do this before the government shuts us all down in an effort to shut us all up.