July 19, 2010

Let's keep parents in the dark even as we insult them

I'm not sure which part of this story is more offensive. On the one hand we've got a black PTA member who's paid by his New York school district to be an advocate for parents allegedly suggesting that meetings be held on Friday nights when parents aren't likely to come.

On the other hand, we've got a black PTA member who's paid by his New York school district to be an advocate for parents allegedly calling those same parents the N word. About 70% of the families in his district are black.

Gosh, where does one begin?

The New York Daily News reports July 19 on Ron Barfield, a parents advocate earning $53,000 a year who was caught on tape during a discussion of when to hold Public School 134's PTA meetings as allegedly saying, "Do it Fridays 'cause n****** don't like to come out on Fridays."

Barfield's job is to assist parents who are having difficulty getting their issues resolved by the school staff.

Racism. It's ugly no matter what color it comes in.

As for public education, caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware.

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