February 23, 2009

The ACLU is equivalent to a stinging fly

If you've ever been assailed by a large stinging fly like a deerfly, then you can fully comprehend my analogy.

The ACLU used to be about civil liberties for EVERYONE.

Anymore, it's about civil liberties for everyone but Christians.

Want more proof than my previous posting about the monument in front of Louisiana's notorious maximum security prison at Angola?

Check out World Net Daily for a photo set that ought to disturb every single person of conscience in this country, regardless of religious preference.

In 1934, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) owned a spot of land in the Mojave Desert on which they erected a very simple cross to commemorate the deaths of American soldiers and the sacrifices made by their families.

The cross looks like it's fashioned out of galvanized pipe -- in other words, nothing fancy, flashy or gaudy.

That's the first picture you see.

The second picture looks like a solar panel on a pole and I had to study it hard before bothering to read the caption underneath. What I was seeing was, in fact, that same cross only now its upper portion is ENCASED IN A PLYWOOD BOX pending the outcome of a court case brought by -- you guessed it -- the ACLU.

They want the cross removed.

After 75 years, they want it removed because, they say, it's unconstitutional.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed and has ordered it destroyed.

Never mind that the VFW asked to have it back and even offered to give other land in exchange for the monument.

The U.S Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments this fall.

O for a fly swatter big enough to smash the ACLU!

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