April 25, 2008

In the beginning was the word . . .

What was once a mysterious and admittedly offputting environment for a die-hard pen and ink writer has now become my home.

I left print journalism several years ago to raise kids and figured a place for my "voice" was all but gone for good. But by the grace of God, my mother, and Dell I am a 'blogger, delighted to tackle this new frontier.

Those of you who take the time to read what I write in the days and months to come will be heartened to know that I say what I mean and I mean what I say. That's right, folks. No equivocating here!

See, I detest political correctness and I really get peeved with those who don't.

I think a spade ought to be called a spade and I think mincing words, skirting the issue, ignoring the proverbial elephant in the middle of the room, and just generally saying one thing while you do another is incredibly unattractive and possibly dangerous to the well-being of a constitutional republic.

Buoy my faith in mankind, will you, and bring on the high-spirited but reasoned debate, thoughtful observations, and informative dialogue.

There's something to be learned from just about everyone, and I look forward to learning from you!

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