April 15, 2011

Screw you, Charles Schumer!


I try to be civil, polite even, when it comes to differences of opinion. I respect people's right to think what they want, provided what they think doesn't endanger my ability to function within my own constitutional rights.

But this is my 'blog and I don't have to entertain idiots if I don't want to.

I'm pretty peeved with New York Sen. Charles Schumer, a man whose complete and total disdain for Texas is summed up in the following quote.

"When people from Paris, Beijing, Tokyo and Amsterdam start saying they want to go to Houston, maybe then they'll get a shuttle," Schumer told the Daily News. "I'd say to Texas, don't mess with New York."

Schumer has his knickers in a wad over Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz's efforts to have one of the retired space shuttles sent to Houston rather than to some air and space museum in New York City.

Never mind that New York City had absolutely nothing to do with the birth of the American manned spaceflight program.

Schumer is typical of so many loud-mouthed, liberal Yankees who think everyone south of the Mason-Dixon is redneck, hillbilly, and downright dumb.

Did I mention that Houston was home to the finest collection of scientists, mathematicians and engineers during the pre-Apollo and Apollo years?

Yeah, and did I also mention that my dad -- born in small town Arkansas -- was one of them and that I'm still so proud of his contributions to the space program that I tell his story to my children on a regular basis?

New York will probably get to keep the shuttle that's rightfully ours, and that's okay. Way down here in Texas, we know the truth.

What a pity Sen. Schumer is too stupid to know it, too.

1 comment:

René said...

Yeah, I'm with you on this one. I hear there is now a lawsuit in place and I'm betting New york loses. If they don't it just goes to show that injustice is alive and well in our government...oh wait...we all know that. Well, what can you do?