October 15, 2009

The list grows -- terrorists, silly people, and now . . .


Apparently that's what those of us who still don't like the government's health care proposal are now. We are racists.


Because our president is half black and half white and because. . . because . . . because critics of the critics can't find anything else to hurl at us so they hurl the most inflammatory accusation they can find.

If you are opposed to anything President Obama says or does you must be a racist. Period. Now that should shut down all further discussion and dissent.

Enter the pesky Constitution.

This crusty old rag of a document is still in force and it guarantees the people our right to criticize our government at any time for any reason. It doesn't say we get to criticize only white politicians or black politicians or Greek or Latino politicians. It just says we have the freedom of speech and the right to petition the government for redress of our grievances.

When George Bush goofed up, I complained and no one labeled me as anything but a disgruntled taxpayer.

SoI wish Obama supporters would go on and get over the fact that President Obama is partly black and let me gripe about him, too. He's not black first and THEN he's the president. He's the PRESIDENT and as such he must not be put upon a pedestal and criticism of his performance deferred.

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