April 12, 2009

You might be a right-wing extremist if . . .

The U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (is it just me or does even the name of this entity inspire disbelief) has released a report detailing characteristics of the population that will be assessed in the months and years to come as part of its effort to weed out right-wing extremists.

After reading the list, I'm beginning to think that not only do I meet many of the the criteria but so does just about everyone else I know.

At this rate, the department's job is exponentially bigger than I think it realizes.

You might be a right-wing extremist if:

You don't agree with the current president's policies (I don't)
You didn't vote for the current president (I didn't)
You believe America should be a sovereign nation and are concerned that it might not stay this way (I do and I am)
You are a professed (as opposed to underground) Christian (I am)
You don't like to pay income tax (I don't)
You're a U.S. soldier returning from duty overseas
You reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority (I think the feds mangle too many things)
You are opposed to ILLEGAL immigration (I am)
You are opposed to abortion (I am, with some caveats)
You are not in favor of increased restrictions on firearms (It depends)
You have more than a passing interest in so-called "end times prophesies" (Nope)
You have a bumper sticker on your vehicle touting Ron Paul, Bob Barr or other alternative presidential candidate (Nope)
You are a racist (No, but I know a couple of these and while their vitriol is offensive, I have to stand by their constitutional right to be morons)

My personal total is 9 out of a possible 13. I'm sure they omitted homeschooling by accident, otherwise I'd have 10 out of 14.

The report states the DHS will be working with state and local agencies over the next several months to determine the levels of right-wing extremist activity in the U.S.

Big Brother just keeps getting bigger.

If my 'blog disappears, you'll know why.

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